WE Master Money Workshop: Planning for a Profitable Business


WE Master Money: Funding is a series of workshops that are designed to help women entrepreneurs gain knowledge about alternative sources of funding for their businesses. Learn about financing options for your business and how to talk to investors. Planning for a Profitable Business Workshop topics include: What is financial management What is a profitable […]


Desarrollar Sus Operaciones de Negocios


DESARROLLAR SUS OPERACIONES DE NEGOCIOS Muchas empresas fracasan no debido a una mala idea de negocios, sino porque no había un sistema que estandarice, midiera y mejorara sus operaciones. El objetivo de este curso es ayudarlo a traducir su concepto de negocio en una operación eficiente que mejore y aumente sus resultados en forma continua. […]


Finanzas Empresariales 1


La administración financiera puede ser la parte más intimidante de dirigir un negocio. El objetivo de este curso es revelar que no tiene que ser intimidante.Destinado a emprendedores que no están familiarizados con la gestión financiera empresarial, Finanzas Empresariales1 presenta sus términos y conceptos clave en el lenguaje diario. Durante este curso, usted: Desarrollaráun entendimiento […]


First Steps to Starting a Business


This is the first part of a three-part series. Part two, Creating a Business Idea that Works, is on May 10, 5:00-7:00PM. Register here. Part three, Building an Operational Plan, is on May 17, 5:00-7:00.PM. Register here. Opening a business in New York City can seem daunting at the start. Many entrepreneurial New Yorkers ask: […]


Choosing a Business Legal Structure


The goal of this course is to help you understand the importance of your business structure, and to help you protect your assets. During the course, you will: Understand why choice of business entity matters, and how to pick the right one for your business Know how to avoid making the most common mistakes business […]


Creating Content Your Customers Value


Many businesses think that marketing only means advertising. But building loyalty with your customers also requires creating marketing content that is helpful, relevant, and engaging. This course helps entrepreneurs at any stage define what content will build that loyalty with their customers. By the end of this course, you will be able to: Understand the […]


Financing for Your Small Business


Hosted by a NYC Business Solutions Finance Account Manager, we will walk you through: Available small business financing products Viable small business lenders Preparing for your financing application FAQs for post-pandemic financing


Meet the Lender: Greater Jamaica Development Corp


Join us to connect with one of our lending partners.In this webinar, we will discuss general considerations and guidelines for financing your businesses. You will also have the opportunity to connect with one of our lending partners and ask specific questions about your business finance needs, and the financial products offered by our partner. Webinar […]


Citywide BID Day

NYC’s Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) deliver more than $160 million in additional services throughout the five boroughs and build vibrant neighborhoods where New Yorker’s shop, work and live. Visit your local Business Improvement District to see what activities they are planning during the month of May to celebrate their local merchants and unique neighborhoods!


Cómo Seleccionar la Estructura Legal de su Negocio


Este taller incluye una discusión en profundidad sobre los pros y los contras de las opciones disponibles en el estado de Nueva York, como propiedad única, sociedad, corporación "c" o "s" y la compañía de responsabilidad limitada (LLC), para que pueda determine cuál es mejor para usted. Duración de la clase: 1 hora Tenga en […]


Cómo Seleccionar la Estructura Legal de Su Negocio


Este taller incluye una discusión en profundidad sobre los pros y los contras de las opciones disponibles en el estado de Nueva York, como propiedad única, sociedad, corporación "c" o "s" y la compañía de responsabilidad limitada (LLC), para que pueda determine cuál es mejor para usted. Duración de la clase: 1 hora Tenga en […]


WEBINAR: Business Finance 1


For many entrepreneurs, the financial aspect of business ownership can be the most intimidating part. But it doesn’t have to be: business finances are not so different from your personal finances. Under that premise, this course teaches the fundamentals of business financial management in a way any interested person can understand. By the end of […]
