Latinx-Owned Businesses
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More than a quarter of New York City’s population is Latinx, making up what might be the most diverse Latinx representation of any city in the world.
Communities across the five boroughs hail from every Latin American country, and their culture forms an integral part of the City’s fabric — seen in arts institutions, restaurants, music, small businesses, parades and festivals.
Spots that continue to add color and sazón to neighborhoods all across the five boroughs courtesy of Thrillist.
New York Magazine/The Strategist created an evergreen directory highlighting Hispanic- and Latinx-owned businesses in five categories: beauty and wellness, fashion and accessories, food and drink, home and design, and miscellaneous, for everything else.
To celebrate local Hispanic & Latinx-owned businesses, the Flatiron NoMad Partnership created a roundup of Flatiron & NoMad-based spots to support.
There are several ways to show your support for the Latinx community, one of the best ways is to shop and promote Latinx-owned businesses all year long.
National Hispanic Heritage Month is September 15th – October 15th but you should support these Latinx-owned restaurants year-round.
Here are just a few of doNYC‘s favorite spots around NYC.