HFLS prestamos sin intereses a pequeños negocios de bajos recursos

HFLS es una organización sin fines de lucro que presta dinero sin intereses a pequeños comerciantes de ingresos bajos y medios. Este es un seminario en linea para detallar los requisitos de eligibilidad para este prestamo. (THIS EVENT IS IN SPANISH).

Creating a Business Idea That Works

Many people have a business idea and passion for it. But few understand or have the research to prove the idea will work. The goal of this course is to provide you with the tools to analyze your customers, industry, and competitors. You will leave the course with an action plan that can determine if […]

Applying for Loans and Grants Webinar

This webinar will provide guidance for businesses interested in applying for loans and grants. In addition to providing an overview of available financing options, we will share tips to consider before taking on debt, an overview of documents commonly required to apply for a loan, and a summary of other loans and grants that are […]

Creating a Business Idea That Works

The goal of this course is to provide you with the tools to analyze your customers, industry, and competitors. You will leave the course with an action plan that can determine if your idea is the right market opportunity. During this course, you will: Determine the market problem your business will solve Develop a framework […]

First Step to Starting a Business Webinar

Opening a business in New York City can be intimidating at the start. Many entrepreneurs ask: where do I begin? The goal of this course is to help you understand what it means to be a successful entrepreneur in New York City. During the course, you will: Learn about the core competencies of successful entrepreneurs […]

Business Finances 1: Getting Started Webinar

Financial management can be the most intimidating part of running a business. This course – intended for entrepreneurs unfamiliar with business financial management – introduces key terms and concepts in everyday language. During this course, you will: Develop an understanding of basic business financial terms, such as profit, cash flow, and gross margin Work with […]

Webinar: Commercial Lease Know Your Rights Information Session

If you are a commercial tenant, the rights that you negotiate into your lease are important to protect your interests, your business, and the entire term of your lease. At this webinar, you will receive helpful tips from a on what to look out for when signing or negotiating a commercial lease.

Small Business Continuity Planning Webinar

Take action today to prepare for any disruption! From gas leaks and fires, to major hurricanes, flooding, and blackouts, NYC business owners face many challenges that can impact your operations and assets. The NYC Department of Small Business Services (SBS) is here to help guide you through the start of a business continuity plan.  You […]

M/WBE Certification Webinar

The NYC Department of Small Business Services will be hosting an Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprise (M/WBE) Certification Programworkshop. Join us to learn about the following: Certification program overview Registering in the Payee Information Portal (PIP) Registering for product service (NIGP) codes Starting a M/WBE certification application

Creating a Business Idea That Works Webinar

Many people have a business idea and passion for it. But few understand or have the research to prove the idea will work. The goal of this course is to provide you with the tools to analyze your customers, industry, and competitors. You will leave the course with an action plan that can determine if […]
