Business Finances 2: Planning for Profitability

Every entrepreneur is in business to make profits, but only some do. A critical step to success is creating the financial plan that will guide your business to profitability. The goal of this course is to provide you the information and tools to create your own profitability plan. Whether you are planning to start or […]


Introduction to Style Wellness – How to Feel Empowered & Fabulous!

Often we think of wellness through the lens of what we eat, how much we exercise, and maybe a spa treatment or two. But did you know that what we choose to wear each day can be a form of wellness too? In this one-hour seminar, you will learn the science behind how what we […]

Business Finance 1: Getting Started

During this course, you will: Develop an understanding of basic business financial terms, such as profit, cash flow, and gross margin Work with basic financial statements, including income statements, balance sheets, cash flow statements Define the common business expenses at both the startup and operating stages Calculate gross margins, breakeven points, and profit goals using […]

M/WBE Mentors: Building Visibility & Credibility with NYC Agencies

Join our panel discussion to learn how successful, experienced, City contract-winning, NYC-certified Goods & Services M/WBEs built their visibility and reputation with NYC agencies. Hear how they successfully marketed their businesses to win City contracts and how you can employ similar tactics in your business to be seen and known by NYC agencies. For Goods […]

Power of Capital Webinar

All entrepreneurs need to inject cash into their businesses to either launch, grow or keep the doors open. Most businesses phase challenges acquiring financial assistance from lenders because their businesses are not bankable. The goal of this course is to help your business grow and become more bankable. Qualified businesses will have the opportunity to […]

Small Business Financing: How & Where to Get It

Entrepreneurs know that financing is key to starting and growing a business, but the array of options can be difficult to navigate. This course teaches you how to apply financiers’ method of evaluation – the 5 Cs of Business Credit – and explores the advantages and disadvantages of debt-based, equity-based, and crowdfunding financing. By the […]

Bonding Services: QuickBooks for Construction Clinic

Clean bookkeeping will help your construction company become a good candidate for surety bonding and loans. Join this full-day virtual clinic where a Construction CPA will walk you through setting up QuickBooks Premier Edition for Contractors for your company.

Bonding Services: QuickBooks for Construction Clinic

The key to successfully qualifying for surety bonds and financing are clean bookkeeping practices and organized financials. In this virtual clinic, a construction CPA will walk attendees through setting up QuickBooks Premier Edition for Contractors for their companies, so they can use the software to manage job costs more effectively and accurately and provide the […]

LBE Certification Webinar

The NYC Department of Small Business Services will be hosting a Locally Based Enterprise (LBE) Certification Program webinar for construction or construction related businesses and steps how you can apply.

Seminario Web Desarrollar Una Estrategia de Mercadeo

Muchos propietarios de negocios gastan una cantidad significativa de dinero en marketing, pero pocos tienen una estrategia de marketing basada en la investigación que garantice que cada uno de esos dólares se gaste bien. El objetivo de este curso es ayudar a los empresarios en cualquier etapa a desarrollar una estrategia de marketing fundamental que […]

Networking efectivo – Encuentre su voz auténtica

En esta sesión, dirigido por Estefania Palomino de Aleph Leadership, exploraremos las habilidades claves de networking que le permitirán desarrollar vínculos y alianzas significativas en un entorno de trabajo diverso. También derribaremos mitos comunes sobre el networking. Analizaremos escenarios prácticos y técnicas para empoderar a los líderes empresariales subrepresentados. Exploraremos el significado de la creación […]

Crear una idea de negocio que funcione

El objetivo de este curso es brindarle las herramientas para analizar a sus clientes, industria y competidores. Saldrá del curso con un plan de acción que puede determinar si su idea es la oportunidad de mercado adecuada. Durante este curso, usted: Determine el problema del mercado que resolverá su empresa Desarrollar un marco y un […]