Building an Operational Plan


Many businesses fail not because of a bad business idea, but because there was no system that standardized, measured, and improved its operations. The goal of this course is to help you translate your business concept into an efficient operation that continuously improves and raises your bottom line. During this course, you will Learn about […]


Creating Content Your Customers Value


Many businesses think that marketing only means advertising. But building loyalty with your customers also requires creating marketing content that is helpful, relevant, and engaging. This course helps entrepreneurs at any stage define what content will build that loyalty with their customers. By the end of this course, you will be able to: Understand the […]


Finanzas Empresariales 2


Durante el curso, usted: Conozca las competencias básicas de los empresarios exitosos. Evaluarse para estas competencias y crear un plan de superación personal. Conozca las motivaciones y recursos necesarios para lanzar un negocio exitoso Defina sus expectativas para su pequeña empresa y cree un plan de acción para validarlas. Este curso es el primer módulo […]
