COVID-19-Crédito y Presupuesto Webinar

Manejar sus finanzas personales puede ser difícil. Durante COVID-19, quizás se ha preguntado, ¿como puedo navegar más eficientemente el sistema financiero? El propósito de este taller es ayudarle a entender lo básico sobre cómo realizar un presupuesto y crecer su crédito para que pueda alcanzar sus metas financieras. Tambien Aprendera: Estrategias para ahorrar Cómo manejar […]

First Step to Starting a Business Webinar

Opening a business in New York City can be intimidating at the start. Many entrepreneurs ask: where do I begin? The goal of this course is to help you understand what it means to be a successful entrepreneur in New York City. During the course, you will: Learn about the core competencies of successful entrepreneurs […]

Creating a Business Idea That Works Webinar

Many people have a business idea and passion for it. But few understand or have the research to prove the idea will work. The goal of this course is to provide you with the tools to analyze your customers, industry, and competitors. You will leave the course with an action plan that can determine if […]


Building an Operational Plan

Many businesses fail not because of a bad business idea, but because there was no system that standardized, measured, and improved its operations. The goal of this course is to help you translate your business concept into an efficient operation that continuously improves and raises your bottom line. During this course, you will: Learn about […]

Signing a Commercial Lease: What You Need to Know

Learn how to negotiate a fair commercial lease! Business owners know that securing the right commercial space is an important decision, but many are not prepared to enter the lease negotiation process. By effectively negotiating a lease agreement before signing it, small business owners can avoid costly mistakes in the future. This course offers useful […]

WE Master Money Workshop: Planning for a Profitable Business


WE Master Money: Funding is a series of workshops that are designed to help women entrepreneurs gain knowledge about alternative sources of funding for their businesses. Learn about financing options for your business and how to talk to investors. Planning for a Profitable Business Workshop topics include: What is financial management What is a profitable […]
