Cómo Seleccionar la Estructura Legal de Su Negocio


Este taller incluye una discusión en profundidad sobre los pros y los contras de las opciones disponibles en el estado de Nueva York, como propiedad única, sociedad, corporación "c" o "s" y la compañía de responsabilidad limitada (LLC), para que pueda determine cuál es mejor para usted. Duración de la clase: 1 hora Tenga en […]


WEBINAR: Business Finance 1


For many entrepreneurs, the financial aspect of business ownership can be the most intimidating part. But it doesn’t have to be: business finances are not so different from your personal finances. Under that premise, this course teaches the fundamentals of business financial management in a way any interested person can understand. By the end of […]


How can Content Creation Grow Your Business?


*This workshop is in partnership with the The Content House* Having a strong social media presence has become an essential tool of every modern business. With the the constant evolvement of new social media platforms, it can be difficult for entrepreneurs to manage and create the right content on the right platform for their target […]


Webinar Business Finances 1: Getting Started


Intended for entrepreneurs unfamiliar with business financial management, Business Finances 1 introduces its key terms and concepts in everyday language. During this course, you will: Develop an understanding of basic business financial terms, such as profit, cash flow, and gross margin. Work with basic financial statements, including income statements, balance sheets, cash flow statements. Define […]


M/WBE Contracting Symposium

NYC Department of Small Business Services 1 Liberty Plaza, 11th Floor, New York, NY, United States

The NYC Department of Small Business Services (SBS) will be hosting an M/WBE Contracting Symposium where M/WBE certified firms will gain insights and resources to help win more government contracts, […]


QuickBooks Online


MUST ATTEND FOR THE WHOLE DURATION OF THE SESSION Learn the key features and benefits of this accounting software! Business owners need to monitor their spending and expenses in order […]


Sobre Neighborhood Trust Y El Taller De Crédito


Neighborhood Trust Financial Partners (NTFP) es una organización sin fines de lucro que brinda servicios de consejería financiera a la comunidad. Innovamos para crear productos, servicios y beneficios financieros para […]


Employee or Independent Contractor?


Business owners must classify their workers as either Employees or Independent Contractors. The classification of a worker as an Independent Contractor is frequently appealing to the Owner because it saves […]


Building Your Own Business Website


In the past, building a business website could be expensive and complicated. But today, there are website builders that are affordable and easy-to-use for almost any entrepreneur. This course will […]


Quickbooks Online


Business owners need to monitor their spending and expenses in order to maintain a healthy profit. QuickBooks can help you keep track of daily transactions, as well as develop financial […]


El Primer Paso para Comenzar un Negocio


Abrir un negocio en la ciudad de Nueva York puede ser intimidante al principio. Muchos empresarios se preguntan: ¿por dónde empiezo? El objetivo de este curso es ayudarlo a comprender […]


How To Protect Your Business from Cyber Attacks


Join us to hear from members of the Mastercard Cyber & Intelligence Solutions team who will provide an overview of cybersecurity education, resources, and tools designed to help small and […]
